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GnuPG uses public key cryptography so that users may communicate securely.
Create Key
gpg --gen-key
This will ask for key type, commonly uses RSA algorithms.
Then it will ask for your name, email and comment for this key.
List Key
gpg --list-key
Encrypt file
gpg --output doc.gpg --encrypt --recipient blake@cyb.org doc
Decrypt file
gpg --output doc --decrypt doc.gpg
Symmetric encrypt
gpg --output doc.gpg --symmetric doc
Message Encrypt
# Encrypt with public key
gpg --encrypt --sign --armor -r person@email.com name_of_file
# Decrypt
gpg file_name.asc
Export all public keys
gpg -a --export > mypubkeys.asc
Export all encrypted private keys (which will also include corresponding public keys)
gpg -a --export-secret-keys > myprivatekeys.asc
Export gpg’s trusted to a text file
gpg --export-ownertrust > otrust.txt
Import gpg private keys and public keys and trust db
# batch will not prompt password verify
gpg (--batch) --import myprivatekeys.asc
gpg --import mypubkeys.asc
gpg --import-ownertrust otrust.txt