Prepare for ESLint's new config system, Flag Config

## Background ESLint has an old issue, that shareable config can not have it's own plugin, you have to use peerDependencies and let user install plugins themself. [Link]( This issue has been closed with a new design in this Augest. Here are the blogs explaining it. - - - So it is time to prepare for new config system today. ## About Flat Config The new system is using the new flat config system to replace the old extends system to setup shared config. **What is Flat Config ?** Just using an array instead, and merge the array config. It also has a lot of new design. * Use `node.js` native es module instead of old custom require system. * Remove `env`, use new `globals` package instead. Other changee are all benifits from the `flat config` system. * Each config can define an `ecmaVersion`. * Each config can define an `parser` * More powerful and configurable plugins * All old plugins works as well * Backward compatible ## Try It The new config system isn’t yet tied into eslint yet. But since ESLint v8.21.0, it incorporates several ways to try out flat config. ### Using flat config with the Linter class ```js const linter = new Linter({ configType: "flat" }); const messages = linter.verify("new Map()", { languageOptions: { ecmaVersion: 5, sourceType: "script" }, rules: { "no-undef": "error" } }, "filename.js"); ``` ### Using flat config with the ESLint class ```js // ESM import pkg from "eslint/use-at-your-own-risk"; const { FlatESLint } = pkg; // CommonJS const { FlatESLint } = require("eslint/use-at-your-own-risk"); ``` ```js const eslint = new FlatESLint({ cwd: originalDir, overrideConfigFile: "other.config.js" }); const results = await eslint.lintText("foo"); ``` ### Testing rules with flat config and the RuleTester class ```js // ESM import pkg from "eslint/use-at-your-own-risk"; const { FlatRuleTester } = pkg; // CommonJS const { FlatRuleTester } = require("eslint/use-at-your-own-risk"); ``` ```js const ruleTester = new FlatRuleTester({ languageOptions: { ecmaVersion: 5, sourceType: "script" } }); ruleTester.setDefaultConfig({ languageOptions: { ecmaVersion: 5, sourceType: "script" } }); ``` ```js"my-rule", rule, { valid: [ { code: "var test = 'foo'", languageOptions: { sourceType: "script" } }, { code: "var test2 = 'bar'", languageOptions: { globals: { test: true } } } ], invalid: [ { code: "bar", languageOptions: { sourceType: "script" }, errors: 1 } ] }); ``` ## Plan Create a new branch for eslint new system and make a breaking change. A new Major version will be created. Try and play. 😄