# qladdict
A QuickLook plugin that lets you view subtitles .srt files like Addic7ed.com on
# qlcolorcode
QLColorCode Quick Look plugin for source code with syntax highlighting.
# qldds
[QuickLook DDS](https://github.com/Marginal/QLdds)
This package allows OSX Finder to display thumbnails, previews and metadata for
"DirectDraw Surface" (DDS) texture files.
快速预览 DDS 文件,DirectDraw Surface - 大约是微软的 DriectX 的东西
# qlgradle
Quicklook plugin for .gradle files
Gradle 是一个基于 Apache Ant 和 Apache Maven 概念的项目自动化构建工具。它使用一
种基于 Groovy 的特定领域语言(DSL)来声明项目设置,抛弃了基于 XML 的各种繁琐配置。
# qlimagesize
QuickLook plugin to display the dimensions and size of an image in the title bar
instead of the filename. Also preview some unsupported formats like WebP & bpg.
在快速预览可以显示图片大小,并且提供预览不支持的图片如 webp 等
# qlmarkdown
QuickLook generator for Markdown files
markdown 预览
# qlmobi
Quick Look plugin for Kindle ebook formats
kindle 电子书的快速预览
# qlnetcdf
A QuickLook Plugin for previewing NetCDF files.
[Network Common Data Form (NetCDF)](http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/)
- NetCDF is a set of software libraries and self-describing, machine-independent
data formats that support the creation, access, and sharing of array-oriented
scientific data.
# qlplayground
`qlplayground` is a QuickLook plugin for Swift files.
快速预览 swift 文件(.swift, .playground)
# qlprettypatch
QuickLook generator for patch files
patch 文件快速预览
# qlrest
QLRest is a simple QuickLook generator for reStructuredText files. It renders a
preview of the selected ReST file using Python, Docutils and Pygments.
# qlstephen
A QuickLook plugin that lets you view plain text files without a file extension
- Makefile
- Rakefile
- CapFile
# qlswift
A Quick Look plugin for Swift files. Inspired by QLMarkdown.
swift 快速预览 sublime 的默认色调
# qlvideo
[QuickLook Video](https://github.com/Marginal/QLVideo)
This package allows macOS Finder to display thumbnails, static previews, cover
art and metadata for most types of video files.
QuickLook and Spotlight on macOS 10.9 and later understand a limited number of
media files - mostly only MPEG audio and video codecs within MPEG container
files. This package adds support for wide range of other codecs and "non-native"
media file types, including .asf, .avi, .flv, .mkv, .rm, .webm, .wmf etc.
# emin-webpquicklook
Mac OS X QuickLook plugin for WebP image files
# epubquicklook
[EPUB QuickLook](https://github.com/jaketmp/ePub-quicklook)
The epub.qlgenerator plugin is designed to extract the cover images from EPUB
files to use as the file icon, and present a nice overview of the EPUB in
The epub.mdimporter plugin is designed to extract information from EPUB files
(metadata as well as text content) and index it so that Spotlight can search it.
快速预览 epub 和 spotlight(mdfind)搜索 epub 内容
# quicklook-csv
Quick look CSV files for Mac OS X 10.5 and newer. Supports files separated by
comma (,), tabs (⇥), semicolons (;) pipes (|). The plugin will generate Icons
and show a preview, along with some information (like num rows/columns). Many
thanks to Ted Fischer for valuable input and testing of version 1.1!
快速预览 CSV
# quicklook-json
[quick look JSON](http://www.sagtau.com/quicklookjson.html)
quick look json is a useful quick look plugin to preview JSON files. It will
render files with a colorful view, and will allow to expand or compress nodes in
the JSON tree.
JSON 文件快速预览
# quicklook-pat
[Adobe Photoshop Patterns Quicklook Plugin](https://github.com/pixelrowdies/quicklook-pat)
Quicklook plugin to view Adobe Photoshop pattern files in Apple's Finder
# quicklook-pfm
Apple QuickLook Plugin for PPM, PGM, PFM and PBM files
This piece of code enables Apple QuickLook to open
- PPM (3-channel 8-bit) files
- PFM (1/3 channel 32-bit ) files
- PGM (1-channel 8-bit) files
- PBM (1-channel 1-bit) files
# quicklookapk
A Quick Look plugin for Android packages
Android APK 文件预览
# quicklookase
Mac QuickLook for ASE files (Adobe Swatch Exchange)
ASE are color palettes that can be exported from Adobe Photoshop, Adobe
Illustrator, Adobe Color CC, Spectrum, COLOURlovers, Prisma, among many others.
Based on Apple's QuickLookSketch.
# receiptquicklook
A QuickLook plugin to inspect App Store receipts.
This quick look plugin provides a way to visualize cryptographic receipt
generated by the App Stores (iOS and OS X). This is quite useful for iOS
application as there is no way to visualize them on the device.
# ttscoff-mmd-quicklook
Improved QuickLook generator for MultiMarkdown files
This is a quick fork of Fletcher Penney's MMD Quicklook project. It adds some
styling to the default Quick Look preview (based on GitHub CSS) and allows for
customization via a .mdqlstyle.css file in your home folder.