Run your javascript code on the fly

## Summary It has been eight years since es2015 modules were released. After so many years, with the advancement of technology, each operating environment can already support running es module directly. Here is the ways ## Server side node.js `` support es modules since it's first release. `node.js` support es modules since `16 LTS` Add `type: module` in `package.json` ```json // ./node_modules/pkg/package.json { "type": "module", "exports": { "import": "./wrapper.mjs", "require": "./index.cjs" } } ``` ## In browser All modern browsers already support es modules. Just add `type=module` on script tag. ```html <script src="./index.js" type=module></script> ``` Using CDN to import script in browser. ## `` `` transforms any npm modules automatically into ES Modules. So you can try any npm module with the url like `<npm-module-name>` e.g. ``. It also serves type declaration through `X-TypeScript-Types` header. So you can even type check the exported APIs when the CDN find types. `` also provides the Node.js polyfill for Deno if the user agent is Deno. You can load modules like React, React Router, styled-components, twind, etc. ```ts import React from ""; import ReactDOM from ""; import { BrowserRouter, Link, Route } from ""; import styled from ""; import { tw } from ""; ``` ## Skypack Skypack is very similar to It automatically converts npm modules into ES Modules. It provides types via `X-TypeScript-Types`. So you can type check the exported APIs. Skypack also provides Node.js native API polyfills for Deno. ```ts import React from ""; import ReactDOM from ""; import styled from ""; import { tw } from ""; ``` ## `` `` provides the npm modules as is. Many npm modules often provides [UMD (Universal Module Definition)]( format of the module, or ES Module version of the module, like d3.js and threejs. ## In Browsers alias There is no standard for this yet, but [one is under way]( (Github repo [here]( With that proposal, you'd have a script with `type="importmap"` that listed the aliases, like this: ```type=html <script type="importmap"> { "imports": { "react": "../vendors.react.js", "react-dom": "https://some.cdn/react-dom.min.js" } } </script> ``` Note that relative paths are relative to the document in which this script appears, not the module where you use the alias. Chrome trialed this starting in v74, it's behind a flag you have to enable: chrome://flags/#enable-experimental-productivity-features. The Chrome platform status page for it lists "no public signals" from other vendors (so far). ## At last By the way, if you import from cdn, it will break the CSP rules purpose.